Protocol Fees From LPs

22.5% Protocol Fees

Updated on 22/12/2024

Equilibria has passed EIP #6.The updated protocol fee structure is as follows:

There is a 22.5% fee on all boosted LP yield generated through Equilibria. The updated protocol fee structure is as follows:

  • 12.5% to ePENDLE stakers;

  • 2.5% to vePENDLE lock, ePENDLE liquidity, or buyback, depending on strategic needs;

  • 7.5% to treasury

    • 30% to protocol growth: dedicated to strategic growth initiatives including bribe income growth, vePENDLE growth, cross-protocol campaigns, content creation, SEO optimization, and event marketing.

    • 50% to protocol development: covering essential operating expenses for extending the cash runway

    • 20% to protocol security: regular audits and subscriptions to monitoring tools and services.

Updated on 24/9/2023

Equilibria has passed EIP #1 that proposed to adjust the protocol fee structure for ePENDLE buyback program.

There is a 22.5% total fee on all PENDLE revenue generated on Equilibria. The updated protocol fee structure is as follows:

  • 12.5% to ePENDLE stakers;

  • 5% to vlEQB holders;

  • 5% to buy back ePENDLE and bribe vlEQB holders.

The total fee has a hard-coded cap of 35%.

  • 8%-20% to ePENDLE stakers.

  • 0-10% to vlEQB holders.

  • 0-5% to Treasury.

Last updated